Charity Merchandise

Charity merchandise is a great way for charities to create a powerful and long-lasting positive impression with their donors and potential donors


Charity merchandise does not have to be an extravagant display of expensive products, it simply needs to be something that can effectively deliver a message to your target audience.


Research from the British Promotional Merchandise Association concluded that "usefulness" was the most important factor in a promotional product.


Sourcing Box has a wide range of products available and will guide you in making the right choice that suits your target audience and budget.

Sourcing Box has helped many UK charities find their perfect fundraising product. We have access to suppliers in the UK, Europe and in China that can supply products for every occasion and suit every budget. Most products are included within our online catalogue however some are not. We understand the importance of making every penny count and delivering cost effective promotional merchandise.

Sourcing Box is committed to sourcing products from facilities that only abide by a strict code of ethical trading. We understand how important this is to charities and it dictates who we work with

View Base Code Of Conduct

Please pick up the phone or get in contact with us to discuss your requirements.