Terms & Conditions


  • All our prices do not include imprint charges.
  • Supplied Artwork may be changed to fit the print space. These changes will be made for free.
  • Screen charges will be added whilst placing an order and will not be changed.
  • Carriage fees will be added whilst placing an order and it will not be changed unless your package will exceed 31 kg.
  • No set-up or any other charges will added to your order.
  • All charges are shown on your acknowledgement.
  • Prices correct at time of press, prices subject to change without notice, prices exclude VAT.
  • The colour dots/descriptions are to be insignificantly different depending on monitor settings.
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction: Your product and print will be exactly as you approved them.
  • Logos shown on this website are for display purposes only and do not necessarily indicate that Sourcing Box Limited have supplied the item to the owners of the logo of that the company has endorsed the product concerned.

In these Terms and Conditions the following words have the following meanings:
"SBL" means Sourcing Box Limited

"Contract" means the agreement between the SBL and the Purchaser for the purchase of the Items and incorporating them.
"Artwork" means any design, logo, drawing, specification, printed matter, instructions or information (as appropriate) provided by the Purchaser in relation to the Items.

"Items" mean the items to be supplied or procured by SBL and purchased by the Purchaser on the terms of the Contract, as detailed in the Order or on the Website.

"Intellectual Property" means any and all trade marks, registered or unregistered design rights, UK or foreign patents, copyright, confidential information, trade or business names, database rights, know how, technology and other intellectual property rights (and any applications for the foregoing) whether registerable or not in any country.

"Order" means the purchase order containing details relating to the Items and the Contract.

"the Purchaser" means the person, firm, company or other organisation purchasing the Items from SBL.

"Website" means any website operated by the SBL from time to time for the sale of Items.


These Terms and Conditions shall be incorporated in all Contracts of SBL to sell the Items and are the sole conditions upon which SBL will deal with the Purchaser. All other terms, conditions or other representations are excluded from the Contract, including any terms and conditions which the Purchaser may purport to apply under any Contract, and these Terms and Conditions shall prevail and shall govern the Contract to the entire exclusion of any express or implied terms. By accepting the Order or by ordering Items from using the Website the Purchaser agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

  • No statement, description, information, warranty, condition or recommendation contained in any catalogue, price list, advertisement or communication or made verbally by any of the agents, representatives or employees of SBL shall be construed to vary in any way any of the terms and conditions under the Contract unless otherwise agreed in accordance with Clause19 .
  • All illustrations contained in SBL?s brochures, catalogues, advertisements or price lists are approximate only and are intended merely to give a general idea of the items described therein and shall not form part of the Contract.
  • Any written quotation, estimate and/or advertised price for the Items shall be an invitation to treat and no binding contract shall be created by placing an Order on SBL website or otherwise until SBL has acknowledged the Order to the Purchaser either verbally or in writing (as appropriate).
  • These Terms and Conditions apply to all purchases of Items from SBL whether from its Website, by telesales, facsimile, e-mail or otherwise.
  • Any reference in the Contract to "writing" or cognate expressions, include a reference to any communication effected by the Website, telex, cable, facsimile, email or any comparable means.
  • Reference to any statute or statutory provision includes a reference to that statute or statutory provision as from time to time amended, extended or re-enacted.
  • SBL may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time and any changes will be notified to the Purchaser via the e-mail address provided by the Purchaser or via a suitable announcement on the Website. The changes will apply to the use of the Website after SBL has given notice. If the Purchaser does not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions the Purchaser should not continue to use the Website. If the Purchaser continues to use the Website after the date on which the change comes into effect, the Purchaser?s use of the Website indicates its agreement to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions.
  • The Purchaser warrants that the Design it supplies to SBL is accurate and free from error. Subject to Clause 3.2, SBL shall not be liable for any losses, claims, damages, costs or expenses suffered by the Purchaser resulting from any error or inaccuracy in such Design.
  • Where SBL supplies Items bearing printed matter for the Design no claim whatsoever shall be made in respect of ?
  • the contents, colouring or position of such Design unless such claim is made within four days after delivery of the first consignment delivered under any Order. No such claim can be accepted if the said contents, Design or position comply with a proof submitted to and approved by the Purchaser or SBL;
  • any defective printing after any part of the Items comprised in any consignment delivered in pursuance of any Order has been used for any purpose whatsoever.
  • Any time or date given for delivery of the Items whether specified in the Order or otherwise given by SBL shall be taken as an estimate made by SBL in good faith but shall not be binding upon SBL as a term of the Contract or otherwise. Time of delivery is not of the essence for the purposes of the Contract and SBL will not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by the Purchaser in consequence of any failure to deliver within such time or by such date or in consequence of the delay howsoever caused.
  • Risk in the Items shall pass to the Purchaser from the time of despatch to the Purchaser or its agent and the Purchaser shall insure the Items against loss and damage by fire or other insurable risk from that time until the price thereof has been paid in full and cleared funds. The Purchaser shall hold on trust for SBL any insurance monies received as a result of such loss or damage.
  • Where Items are delivered by instalments under the Contract each instalment shall be deemed to be sold under a separate Contract and any failure on the part of SBL for the delivery of a particular instalment or any defects in workmanship or materials affecting any particular instalment shall not entitle the Purchaser to repudiate the Contract with regard to any instalments remaining deliverable or to refuse or withhold payment for any Items delivered.

The Purchaser shall notify SBL of any shortage of or damage to Items delivered within 24 hours of delivery or collection and such notification shall be confirmed in writing by the Purchaser within 7 days of delivery. No responsibility whatsoever for such shortages or damages will be accepted by SBL in the event of failure by the Purchaser to notify SBL of the same within the said period. Items damaged in transit should not be accepted from the carrier and no credit will be given for or replacements made of Items accepted from the carrier in a damaged condition.


SBL reserves the right to establish a minimum order level. The Items delivered against an Order may vary in accordance with normal trade tolerances from the specifications stated in such Order, and the Purchaser shall not be entitled to claim any allowance in respect of such variation.

  • Ownership of the Items shall remain solely with SBL until such time as the Purchaser has paid to SBL the agreed price in full and cleared funds for all the Items under the Contract and any other contract between the parties.
  • The Purchaser acknowledges that the Purchaser is in possession of the Items solely as a bailee of SBL until such time as the full price thereof is paid in full and cleared funds to SBL under Clause 8.1 above.
  • Until such time as the Purchaser becomes the owner of the Items the Purchaser will store the Items on its premises separately from the Purchaser?s own items or third party items and in a manner which makes them readily identifiable as the Items of SBL.
  • The Purchaser?s right to possession of the Items shall cease if it does or suffers to be done any act or thing which would or might entitle SBL to treat the Contract as having been repudiated for any reason.
  • In the event of failure to pay the price in accordance with the Contract or any other default by the Purchaser under the Contract or any other contract between the parties, SBL, its servants and agents may forthwith enter upon any premises or land occupied or owned by the Purchaser and may repossess all Items in relation to which ownership remains with SBL. The Purchaser will co-operate in the identification of SBL?s Items. SBL may exercise any right of re-sale in respect of Items which shall operate in addition to any other legal rights which may accrue to SBL.
  • Subject to the other terms of the Contract, the Purchaser is licensed by SBL to agree to sell the Items, subject to the express condition that such sale shall be made by the Purchaser as agent and bailee of SBL, whether the Purchaser shall sell on its own account or not, and the entire proceeds thereof are held on trust for SBL until payment of the agreed price, and may not be mingled with other monies and shall be at all times identifiable as SBL monies.
  • If SBL has not received the proceeds of any sale under Clause 8.6 above, the Purchaser will upon being called so to do by SBL, within 7 days thereof, assign to SBL all rights against the person or persons to whom the Purchaser has supplied the Items.
  • All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT and unless specifically stated are based upon costs current at the date of quotation.
  • The Purchaser is responsible for the payment of all costs relating to the delivery, packaging, and other applicable taxes and levies in relation to the Items.
  • The price of Items may be subject to variation to take account of variations in labour, materials or other costs since the date of SBL?s quotation or (if no quotation is issued) the Purchaser?s Order. SBL accordingly reserves the right to adjust the invoice price payable by the amount of an increase or decrease in such costs after the price is quoted and the invoice so adjusted shall be payable as if it were the original Contract price.
  • The Purchaser agrees that section 32(3) of the Sale of Items Act 1979 shall not apply to Items sent by SBL.
  • Each consignment of Items may be invoiced separately and SBL?s invoices shall be paid by the Purchaser in full and cleared funds within the agreed time after items were despatched or collected or order was placed.
  • If for any reason the Purchaser is unable to accept delivery when due, the Items will be invoiced and payment will be made within the agreed terms which the Items were ready for delivery or collection or order was placed. In such case SBL will, if facilities permit, store the Items at the Purchaser?s risk and expense until delivery and reserves the right to make additional charges for such storage and for any extra handling and transportation. This clause shall not affect any rights SBL may have against a Purchaser for failing to accept delivery.
  • If the Purchaser fails to make any payments when due SBL, may at its option and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which it may have under the contract: ?
  • suspend any further deliveries until payment is made; or
  • repudiate the Contract;

and SBL shall be entitled to charge interest (both before and after judgment) on the outstanding balance of all overdue accounts from the date of the invoice until the time of payment calculated on a daily basis at a rate of 4% above the base rate from time to time Bank of England.

  • Time for payment is of the essence for the purposes of the Contract.
  • SBL shall be entitled to suspend any and all deliveries and instalments until payment for all earlier deliveries has been made and the date for delivery shall be postponed to the extent to which such deliveries are suspended.
  • The Purchaser shall not be entitled to withhold payment of any amount payable under the Contract (or any other contract between the parties) because of a disputed claim of the Purchaser in respect of faulty Items or any other breach of contract, nor shall the Purchaser be entitled to set-off against any amount payable under the Contract (or any other contract between the parties) to SBL any monies which are or are purported to be payable by SBL.

In the event of this outstanding amount remaining unpaid after a period of 30 days the account will then be transferred to an independent third party debt recovery team whose minimum fee will be either